CCB market: the Coinsafebox service

Saving money service for spenders

The Coinsafebox service solves the problem of shopping mania, spontaneous purchases, and spending savings with a hangover or drunk. Helping people with various destructive addictions to accumulate money.

On this page, you can create a smart contract that will allow you to replenish your savings, but will not allow you to spend them until the terms of the contract you set are fulfilled. For example, you want to save up for a new car, but you constantly spend all your savings on parties or on another expensive handbag. Are you a couple, living together, but one of the spouses is constantly ruining the family piggy bank? We will solve your problem: the Coinsafebox simply won't let you spend your money until the goal you set is achieved.

How does it work?

1. On this page, you make a down payment to the Coinsafebox by creating a smart contract. You will not be able to withdraw your money until the terms of the contract are fulfilled. You set these rules yourself.

2. Choose the terms: up to the amount, up to the date, or with deferred payments.

3. The contract "Up to the amount" will not allow you to withdraw your money until you accumulate the required amount.

4. The contract "Before the date" will not allow you to spend money before the date you have chosen. If you mistakenly top up the contract "Before the date" after the expiration of the date you have chosen, the contract will refund your money immediately.

5. Contract "deferred payment" is convenient for cost control. For example, if parents need to make sure that the money sent to their children will not be spent on student drinking entirely on the first day or for self-control if you have no money left after your paycheck in the first week. Transfer part of your salary to stablecoins and create a smart contract that will give you money in portions according to the dates you specify. The smart contract balance can be replenished at any time. If the money in the deferred payment contract has run out, but you are still satisfied with its terms, then it is not necessary to make a new contract. Just replenish an existing one.

6. The robot will set aside funds and allocate money for you to live as you ask it when creating a contract. When executing the contract, the system will even be able to transfer the funds you have accumulated in full or in parts to another account, for example, to your lender. This is convenient if you are borrowing money from someone, but you lack financial discipline.

7. Why can't regular banks do this? Because most countries have laws that obliges financial institutions to return savings to you at your first request, and sometimes at the request of your closest relatives, who will immediately run to the shop to get rid of a hangover or buy discounted fashionable fur coat.

8. The CCB admins does not have access to smart contracts and no one can influence their cancellation or premature execution. Neither pleas for a sick child, nor for deceased relatives, nor complaints to regulatory authorities, nor court orders will change this. This is the same as rolling back Ethereum transactions.

9. The work of smart contract wizards is impossible without a CCB token. The payment is always fixed and amounts to $1 USD at the CCB token rate for each launched contract plus system fees.

This is a demo page. Smart contract wizards are not functional yet. It's just a showcase for future CCB marketplace offerings.

Create a smart contract

First installment
You can top up these contract multiple times and with any tokens

Saving up to the amount:
When the total price of all accumulated tokens reaches the specified value in stablecoins, they will be converted into these stablecoins at the

Creating a smart contract – 0.00 CCB (~ $0)
Deploy transaction fee – 0.001665636607235484 POL (~ $0.00047)
Gas price – Loading...

I understand that I won't be able to withdraw money until I top up my contract account to:
Select token
I will need to transfer the rest of the money in Polygon ecosystem tokens to the contract:
The accumulated funds will be credited in <Selected token> tokens to my account:
These funds will be withdrawn from my connected wallet at the moment:
0.00 CCB + 0.001665636607235484 POL
(0 + 0.00047 = 0.00047)

Please connect wallet first

My Safeboxes (up to amount)

You don't have any safeboxes with accumulation amount yet

Create a smart contract

First installment
You can top up these contract multiple times and with any tokens

Saving up to the date:

Select the token to be used:

Creating a smart contract – 0.00 CCB (~ $0)
Deploy transaction fee – 0.001665636607235484 POL (~ $0.00047)
Gas price – Loading...

I understand that I won't be able to withdraw money until I top up my contract account to:
Select token
I will need to transfer the rest of the money in Polygon ecosystem tokens to the contract:
The accumulated funds will be credited in <Selected token> tokens to my account:
These funds will be withdrawn from my connected wallet at the moment:
0.00 CCB + 0.001665636607235484 POL
(0 + 0.00047 = 0.00047)

Please connect wallet first

My safeboxes (until date)

You don't have any safeboxes with end date yet

A Year's сontract

Usually on New Year's Eve, people receive bonuses, thirteenth salaries, dividends and other payments. Businesses distribute and receive debts, and entrepreneurs generate New Year's super profits. The New Year contract will allow you to schedule payments for any period. It works endlessly and you can reconfigure it at any time. Previous tasks with blocked funds will remain unchanged, and only payments for which funds have not yet been blocked can be edited. For example, if you planned payments for a year in advance in December, but something changed next year, you will edit future payments next December. Once you activate them, there will be no turning back.

The contract is not tied specifically to the New Year. You can start from any month and plan payments for a quarter, half a year, or the next week.

This smart contract will help you allocate family monthly expenses for a year ahead and no one will be able to get their hands on them under the pretext: "Next month I will earn and pay back" or: "My neighbor John will repay the debt to me tomorrow. Probably". While you have the money, plan to pay for the Internet and cellular communications for the whole family in the future. Telecom operators require payment every 30 days instead of a month, this can be conveniently configured in the service. It will be convenient for entrepreneurs not to forget about paying for domains, hosting, EDS, etc. You can set aside money to prepare your children for the new school year, with payments due in August, or program regular payments of debts, alimony, insurance, or utility bills to spare. It will be pleasant to spend the rest of the stock on anything – this technique encourages people to save gas, water and electricity.

If you are planning to change your Internet provider, but "you can't get around to it" or you don't know if you will renew your abandoned domain name, you can check the box "Ask before payment". Until you answer "yes" or "no" – payment will not be made. If you answer "no", the money will be returned to the address you specified, and you will be able to dispose of it at your discretion. If you see another question from the service in your e-mail or SMS, you don't have to go to your CCB's personal account. If desired, you can send "yes" or "no" in eMail-message, Tg bot, or SMS – and the contract will understand what it needs to do. You can choose the confirmation or cancellation commands yourself. If the app is installed on your phone, you can use a couple of taps to select the correct option in the pop-up window. If you changed your provider in the middle of the year, you can create new payments in your annual contract, while answering the question of continuing payments to the old provider for each of the remaining months "no".

A "Pension fund" сontract

You can even create your own private family pension fund. A more honest one, without extortion from the NPF management and with a transparent policy. No one can steal your retirement savings. Even you yourself. In case of your premature death, the funds will be transferred to the account as you programmed in the wizard of your contract. Your relatives, to whom you bequeath access to your EVM account, will be able to receive money. The "Pension Fund" contract account can be replenished with any tokens at any time. Even after the start of payments. Payouts of all accumulated tokens will be distributed according to your chosen schedules and single payouts. If you select random days of the week, month, or year, the payout will arrive on a different day each time.

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